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Helpful Links

These are some helpful Web development links we've found. They're not very organized or notated, so if the title isn't obvious, you'll just have to follow it to see what's there. Some links are merely links to pages of links.

Handy W3C Links

HTML 4.01 Specification
Reading the standard is highly recommended
Index of the HTML 4 Elements
Links directly to any HTML element
Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 revision 1
CSS 2.1 Full Property Table
Links directly to any CSS property
XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)
Mostly it's like HTML 4, but there are some things to be aware of
W3C HTML Validation Service
Get in the habit of validating your pages!
W3C CSS Validation Service

Web Sites

The Common Gateway Interface
Index DOT Html: THE Advanced HTML Reference
Welcome to Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi - a comprehensive guide to writing web sites
Webmonkey | Reference: HTML Cheatsheet
Welcome to Bobby WorldWide
Do your Web pages meet accessibility standards?
A List Apart: Web Design, Code, Content
Gecko DOM Reference
O'Reilly Network: Supporting Three Event Models at Once [Sep. 25, 2001]
Client Side State - HTTP Cookies
PHP: PDF functions - Manual
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
/* Position Is Everything */ Modern browser bugs explained in detail!
mezzoblue § css Zen Garden — Resource Guide
Max Design - Presentations and articles
CSS, Accesibility and Standards Links
Tons of good links here


A Comparison of Portable Dynamic Web Content Technologies for the Apache Server
Jeffrey Veen: Making A Better Open Source CMS
Building a Web Application -
3 col layout with equalising columns and footer
An excellent article; the techniques were used in the layout of this site - max-width in Internet Explorer
Dynamic Text Replacement: A List Apart
Modifying Dreamweaver to Produce Valid XHTML: A List Apart